Avoiding logical fallacies helps argument
Friday, August 21, 2020
Turkish Music and Folklore Poetry Research Paper
Turkish Music and Folklore Poetry - Research Paper Example The article discusses Turkish writing, which is almost 1500 years of age. It thrived extraordinarily under the standard of the Ottoman Empire. Turkish music and old stories verse both structure a piece of the Turkish writing, and has been amazingly well known among the Turkish individuals for a considerable length of time, in this way guaranteeing these social conventions stay protected. The most seasoned put down accounts of Turkey have been seen as that of the eighth century Orhon engravings (in the Orhon stream valley arranged in Mongolia). Between the eighth and ninth century there came another wave where artistic portrayal was in an oral structure, similar to the Manas epic and Book of Dede Korkut. Accordingly, we locate that Turkish writing had two structures, the oral arrangements and composed books, and these two conventions stay separate from one another until the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1922. It was uniquely in 1923, after the republic of Turkey was made, that the two types of writing met up to from the cutting edge scholarly sort. My article will investigate the writing of Turkey, appropriate to Turkish music and old stories verse. It will concentrate to discover the connection between Turkish music and its fables verse, while investigating the historical backdrop of the music as it created through the different ages. It will likewise investigate and dissect pertinent information in its undertaking to discover the significance of music and the job it plays inside the domains of Turkish verse. The paper presumes that Turkish music created from the old stories verse and the two terms are interchangeable with one another.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Argumentative Essay Topics on Womens Rights
Argumentative Essay Topics on Women's RightsWhen writing an argumentative essay on women's rights, one of the best places to start is with the most basic question: why do we need these rights? This question itself is a statement, a declaration, a declaration of the rights of every individual, and is a kind of test to make the reader sit up and take notice.You may want to use this argumentative essay topic on women's rights as a way to start your personal journey. Each person's idea of the best way to express oneself, to learn, and to live in a modern society is unique. This is because each of us has different goals, distinct circumstances, and different outlooks.However, it is a universally accepted fact that human rights are rights that are enshrined in the constitution of every country, a common law guarantee. Each one of us has our own individual notion of what rights are important to us. While some of us may be hard-core defenders of the principle of individual rights in general, others may view human rights as more of a social issue.The concept of liberty is another broad category. Individuals have rights against government, against private property, and against involuntary servitude. We also have rights against torture, murder, and other violations of life.All of these, though they are all considered by some to be part of the human rights, do not necessarily define the concept of human rights. They do, however, imply that they are generally recognized by governments and other law-enforcing agencies as being intrinsic to human rights. What does this mean for you? If the law does not recognize these rights, then it's up to the individual to claim them.One of the most important questions to ask is whether or not you agree with the concept of women's rights. Are these rights important to you? Are you proud to say that you are one of the many who share the rights to these freedoms? Do you believe that these rights are important, or do you think that they are n ot?Use the argumentative essay topic on women's rights as a tool to understand yourself and your community. The answers to these questions will help you identify your own needs and ambitions, as well as provide you with guidance on how you can live in a peaceful, secure, and free society.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace
Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace Shelby Lorusso Professor Cheryl Cutter Business 100 May 9, 2014 * My experience of effective communication in a business environment As a mother of two I love having my kids pictures taken. I have gone to multiple studios and although they all did decent work I have been going to Picture Innovations for the last year and a half. I chose the company because I feel like they give us more amount of time in each session. I found that this helps my kids not get so overwhelmed. The last time we had a shoot we ordered about $350.00 worth of pictures. The package we order came with only 8x10 and 5x7 prints. We choose about ten different poses and we were very pleased with how†¦show more content†¦He was unbiased, easy to talk to and made me want to continue my relationship with the company. * Impact to the Business Having effective communication like this company does has a huge impact on their business. Having great communication between employees and management makes things run more smoothly. Employees should be able to feel comfortable talking with a manager about all situations good and bad. If they do not feel comfortable communicating with each other then problems will not easily get resolved and in fact may get worse. Both the manager and employee communicated well with me. They both listened attentively and professionally. They communicated back to me well also. This made me feel like in the future if any other issues arise I will be more that comfortable to address them. I felt like my issue was their top priority and that made me feel like a valued customer who they would like to keep. This experience reassured me that my decision in choosing Picture Innovations was the rightShow MoreRelatedAssignment 1: Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace691 Words  | 3 Page sAssignment 1: Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the workplace BUS 100 05/10/2014 Professor: The ability to communicate is one of the key factors to have a successful business. You could offer an excellent product or service, but if you’re unable to promote your services and communicate effectively with clients and co-workers the potential for growth is limited. The principle areas of communication are: Purpose, Style and listening. The Purpose: Today’s society focuses on customers’Read MoreThe Importance Of An Undergraduate Business Management Student1535 Words  | 7 Pagesbusiness world, a key component to the productivity within the workplace is communication. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Epic Of Gilgamesh, By Herbert Mason - 2237 Words
Life is full of unexpected challenges; it is how we deal with them that either makes us stronger or weaker as an individual. We either grow up mentally from the challenges we face, or we don’t grow up at all. One challenge that we are all going to have to face, if we haven’t already, is what it feels like to lose a loved one. No matter what we do, we can’t prevent it. We are all going to have to experience grief and learn how to cope with our losses. However, in the story of one man who couldn’t take the fact that someone as powerful as himself could lose a loved one, had no other choice but to learn the hard way of how to cope with his loss. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, a retold story by the best-selling author, Herbert Mason, tells the story of a king who was two thirds god and one third man. He was full of pride and made himself superior to others. Because he was so arrogant and oppressive to his people, it seemed that he needed companionship from someone that was the opposite of himself. He needed a friend that would show him how to be humble and have consideration for others. When he meets and befriends his perfect companion, they become unstoppable as they love and protect one another like brothers. However, these friends couldn’t be more opposite; one was two thirds god and one third man, while the other was an animal like man. This is the story of two beings becoming human together. This is the story of a king who thought that he was so mighty and powerful that heShow MoreRelatedThe Epic Of Gilgamesh, By Herbert Mason880 Words  | 4 PagesGilgamesh is an ancient text which still exists today, it dates back to approximately 3,000 B.C. Despite the fact that it is old, people can still relate to its themes today. A few themes portrayed within the story include, love, friendship, the meaning of life, and death. 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In the worlds oldest text, Gilgamesh, sexuality’s role is depicted prominentlyRead MoreThings Fall Apart and Exile Essay1047 Words  | 5 Pagesself-imposed banishment from one’s home or given as a form of punishment. Exile results in solitude; leaving people only time to reflect upon their self. B. The main characters in The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Tempest, and Things Fall Apart all encounter exile due to their actions. C. (THESIS) – The protagonists, Gilgamesh, Prospero, and Okonkwo all have experiences of exile which alienate them from their homeland, but as hurtful as it is for them to go through; their experience alienates them causingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 1596 Words  | 7 PagesChristina Moore July 23, 2015 In the verse narrative The Epic of Gilgamesh the principal character Gilgamesh, King of Uruk, is described as a being that is two-thirds god and one-third man. Gilgamesh is a hero/protagonist who exhibits many more human features than divine features. 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Diversity Is A Barrier To Effective Teamwork †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Diversity Is A Barrier To Effective Teamwork. Answer: Introduction The essay will discuss in detail about the topic called diversity is a barrier to effective teamwork. Cases of workplace diversity are based on many differences that exist between various people in a company. The concept can sound simple; however, the concept is based on a lot of factors like gender, race, personality, age, functions, background and much more. The concept of diversity not just consist of how people are perceived in the long run but also they how every employee treats one another (Amir et al., 2015). Such kind of opinions also impacts the communication, and because of wider cases of an assortment of employees to work in an efficient team in the company, HR department needs to deal with issues appropriately. The issues of communication, transformation, and adaptability are crucial for the company. At the same time, diversity will also rise in a significant manner in the coming time. Some companies can identify with the needs to have an immediate action and are prepared to spend some crucial resources on managing the level of diversity in the company (Amir et al., 2015). Discussion A company is successful and competitive in the long run depends on a lot of reasons like ability to embrace certain cases of diversity and also be able to realize the advantages. When any company actively evacuates the handling of the workplace issues based on diversity, it becomes necessary to develop as well as execute plans for diversity. There are so many advantages for the same discussed in the following discussion. Increased level of adaptability where companies are constantly employing many kinds of the diverse workforce that have the power to supply a large variety of outcomes to deal with issues in services as well as sourcing along with setting the resources on right place. The workforce from so many diverse upbringings brings the talent of people and the overall experience in presenting the ideas (Certo, 2015). The ideas can be flexible in adaptation in the present fluctuating marketplace and rising customer demand. There is a broader range of services or many kinds of collection of skills and experiences that permit an organization to give service to consumers on the international platform. There are so many opinions that feel easy while communicating diverse opinions that provide a huge pool of ideas as well as experiences. The overall execution is also done in an efficient manner where organizations are helping in inspiring all the people to work to the highest of their ability. There are so many company based strategies that can be implemented, and the outcome is based on high level of productivity, return on investment and profit (Certo, 2015). There are many challenges of diversity in a workplace, where primarily communication plays a bigger role. The communication barrier can be because of anything like based perceptions, culture and the language that require overcoming the level of diversity programs to succeed in the long run. Communication which is not effective can be called as the primary goal resulting in some confusions with the lack of morale as well as teamwork (Meleis, 2016). Some people might completely deny accepting the reason of the social and cultural based makeup for the workplace which is constantly changing. The mentality of always agreeing with the way of doing a thing in a specific manner bans new ideas and at the same time inhibits level of progress (Meleis, 2016). Execution of diversity in various workplace policies is based on overriding the issues to all advocates of diversity. One must arm with an outcome of the workforce based assessment and data research. It is also important to build and execute a more customized form of strategy to increase the impact of diversity in the current workplace (Burstein et al., 2016). A successful manager will understand that the concept of diversity alone does not just require training of all the employees, but it is also enough for the management plan of the organization. Different kinds of strategy should be developed and executed in a manner to draw up a culture based on diversity that allows each department to work for the company (Burstein et al., 2016). To deal with the challenges, it is important to assess the diversity and its level in the workplace. Some companies are constantly assessing as well as testing the diversity based process for the company in an efficient manner and are also very convenient. It further assists the management based team to decide the kind of issues or challenges to completely diversify currently in the workplace (Levitt, 2014). The policies also need to be eliminated or added from time to time. It is also important to have a reassessment that can decide the level of success of the case of diversity in the workplace. Growth in the level of diversity in the plan for the workplace can also be a solution. This can be done by doing a survey method where provider provides a very comprehensive report, and it is a key decision. The report will start to begin the structure of the case of diversity in the plan for a workplace. This plan should be very comprehensive by nature and can be attained as well as measured from time to time (Levitt, 2014). A company should also determine the kind of changed required making as per the timeline for the change that one can attain. Execution of the diversity as per the plan is also critical. The personal level commitment of the executive and the managerial level team is important. A leader, as well as manager in the company, should incorporate diversity based policies into each phase of the company motive and function. The overall attitude toward diversity develops at the top and later filter downward. Different management level cooperation and overall participation a re needed to develop a culture that is conducive to the overall success of the plans of the companies (Fernando et al., 2014). It is imperative to ward off the transformation completely, and it is resistant with the help of proper inclusion. The process consist of each employee is forming as well as implementing the diversity based cases in the workplace. It also becomes necessary to focus on an attitude towards proper openness in the company which motivates employees to be able to express the overall ideas and opinions and later also attributes a sense of equal kind of value for everyone (Schaik et al., 2014). Companies must also promote the cases of diversity in many leadership positions where the practice is based on providing visibility and understands the advantages of diversity in the workplace. The company should also properly use the diversity based training where it works as a tool to properly shape the diversity of the current policy. Also, launching a more customized form of employee level satisfactions and associated surveys provides a more comprehensive way of reporting, and it is important to use these outcomes to construct as well as execute the successful case of diversity in various workplace policies (Salas et al., 2015). As the overall economy is becoming more and more global, the workplace is becoming more and more diverse by nature. Companies' overall success and level of competitiveness are entirely based on the capacity to manage the level of diversity in the current workplace in an efficient manner. It is also important to test the diversity based policies of the company and also plan for the company's future which can start at any point of time (Salas et al., 2015). Conclusion There is so much growth where numbers of trends are based on many diverse kinds of a workplace, however; there will be different barriers which will hinder the progress. Such kind of barriers can also deal with many knowledge based management of diversity. Communications play an important role where it is important especially within teams and work for related groups. However, it can be a major challenge especially when there is major variance in the background of the workforce (McInnes et al., 2015). There are many diverse predispositions as well as the culture that frequently results in a different kind of expression. When there is diversity, workforce conduct a lot of acclimating and the overall value of carrying a right perspective is demolished. An outstanding example, in this case, is the concept of the glass ceiling. The overall gap that exists between the wages and level of education in males, as well as females, present a more concrete based case where diversity bans in the w orkplace can bring a positive culture as well as impacts equal options. Understanding the particular kind of barriers in case of active kind of assimilation with the specific aim of communication is a major step (McInnes et al., 2015). Reference Amir, O., Grosz, B.J., Gajos, K.Z., Swenson, S.M. and Sanders, L.M., 2015, April. From care plans to care coordination: Opportunities for computer support of teamwork in complex healthcare. InProceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(pp. 1419-1428). ACM. Certo, S., 2015.Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Meleis, A.I., 2016. Interprofessional education: A summary of reports and barriers to recommendations.Journal of Nursing Scholarship,48(1), pp.106-112. Burstein, P.D., Zalenski, D.M., Edwards, J.L., Rafi, I.Z., Darden, J.F., Firneno, C. and Santos, P., 2016. Changing Labor and Delivery Practice: Focus on Achieving Practice and Documentation Standardization with the Goal of Improving Neonatal Outcomes.Health Services Research,51(S3), pp.2472-2486. Levitt, S.R., 2014. Cultural Factors Affecting International Teamwork Dynamics.International Journal Of Knowledge, Culture Change In Organizations: Annual Review,13. Fernando, M., Hellman, T. and Josephsson, S., 2014. A shared viewpoint but diverse focus: A case study about teamwork within geriatric home rehabilitation.Health and Interprofessional Practice,2(2), p.1. Schaik, S.M., O'brien, B.C., Almeida, S.A. and Adler, S.R., 2014. Perceptions of interprofessional teamwork in low?acuity settings: a qualitative analysis.Medical education,48(6), pp.583-592. Salas, E., Shuffler, M.L., Thayer, A.L., Bedwell, W.L. and Lazzara, E.H., 2015. Understanding and improving teamwork in organizations: A scientifically based practical guide.Human Resource Management,54(4), pp.599-622. McInnes, S., Peters, K., Bonney, A. and Halcomb, E., 2015. An integrative review of facilitators and barriers influencing collaboration and teamwork between general practitioners and nurses working in general practice.Journal of advanced nursing,71(9), pp.1973-1985.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Moscas soliloquy in the first scene Essay Example
Moscas soliloquy in the first scene Paper Moscas soliloquy in the first scene of Act 3 is a potential goldmine for much physical humour. The effect that Mosca, the fly and Volpones servant and conniver during the play, has on the audience can be brought about through various acting techniques acted upon the words themselves in the speech or by the use of amended/added stage directions and aesthetic effects such as lighting. The latter, however, would not have been an obvious technique at the time of which Jonson wrote the play, purely on a basis of lack of technology but can still be accepted as an effective technique for contemporary productions of the play. Ultimately, humour is first derived from the actor and their effect with the lines themselves. Throughout the soliloquy, Mosca sing his own praises and uses much overtly positive language to describe himself. Words such as my and I can be stressed to draw attention to the line and effectively draw the audiences attention to what Mosca believes himself to be. This can be humorous for the audience as they begin to see how extremely arrogant and immodest Mosca is, almost rivalling the arrogance and corrupt nature of Volpone. The words should be overemphasised with great facial expressions that appear to move with every word that is said. This physical comedy will also work well on an audience and will consequently show how ironic what is being said. Another way of developing humour from such irony is from one particular word parasite. This word, and other negative words used in such a way that he speaks with contempt about others, show irony for every one is in itself describing himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Moscas soliloquy in the first scene specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Moscas soliloquy in the first scene specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Moscas soliloquy in the first scene specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Mosca, itself, means the fly and effectively is ironic for flies are deemed parasitic insects. The humour in such irony would have had much more impact in Jonsons age than nowadays. It is also possible pauses are strategically placed through the speech to allow for the placement of certain physical comedy such as facial expressions or to simply allow the audience to generate a reaction, i. e. laughter. Through lighting, attention could be drawn to him via the means of a spotlight in which total darkness surrounds the stage except for Mosca himself. As Mosca travels from side to side of the stage, getting his attention from all of the audience therefore, the spotlight will follow and ultimately accentuate his facial expressions and physical movement as well as keep the audience entertained with the words themselves. The actor producing an ostentatious manner whilst walking across stage that shows pomposity and pretentiousness can develop more irony. This means a variety of hand gestures are to be used for great affect, whilst the sheer manner of walking must be that of he is trying to be like Volpone but is not always succeeding. Consequently at the same time, the actor must make it clear, however, through means of manner (e. g. not always conforming to such a majestic approach) that Mosca is still a servant of Volpone and although he frequently challenges the slyness of his master, he has yet to match it. An important part to note is that although Mosca can continually be humorous through this soliloquy, an important message of Moscas true identity, rather than that weve seen already whilst Volpone is present is one of evilness to which extent will be unravelled later.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
4 traits all great talent acquisition teams should have
4 traits all great talent acquisition teams should have Here’s a simple business truth: In any company, regardless of age, focus, or industry, you’re only as good as your talent- which also means that you’re only as good as your talent acquisition team.It’s true- talent acquisition is an essential aspect of any strategic, forward-thinking business, and with the intense level of competition among companies at all tiers vying to build the best teams possible, you better make sure that the individuals in charge of sourcing, vetting, and acquiring new candidates for your company are at the top of their games.While there’s no simple â€Å"one size fits all†formula for building a great talent acquisition team, there are some things that you should look out for when building your team, in an effort to stack the odds in your favor that you have effective recruiting professionals working for you. HR Blog recently published an article that highlights some of the qualities you should keep an eye out for whe n building your team. Consider the following to help guide your team-building efforts!Stellar communication skillsIt’s no surprise that great recruiters are usually great communicators who possess the skills to attract top-tier potential candidates, hold their interest and make them realize how important and valued they are, get them excited at the prospect of joining your company, and convince them that your company is the best choice for their next great professional opportunity. In today’s rapidly evolving work world, where top-tier talent has more options than ever before, the ability of your recruiting team to attract and acquire new talent is critical. If recruiters can’t sell you on the idea that they’re effective professionals, how are they ever going to sell candidates on the idea of joining your team? Make sure you hire individuals with top-notch communication skills to staff your talent acquisition team.The ability to self-manageGreat recruiter s are tireless professionals who seem to operate at higher frequencies than mere mortal employees, and must be experts at managing their own schedules and juggling their constantly rotating list of priorities. According to the HR Blog, â€Å"Recruiters are usually rather busy. Great recruiters are busy doing the tasks that will create the most value for the company. You have to be able to prioritize and manage your time. You need to know when to say no and where to go that extra mile. Of all the attributes you need as a recruiter, understanding what to prioritize might be the most difficult thing. This competency comes from experience in understanding all elements related to recruitment, and often takes some time to achieve.†When you’re staffing your talent acquisition team, make sure you hire self-directed leaders who possess the ability to manage both their time and your company’s needs.hbspt.cta.load(2785852, '9e52c197-5b5b-45e6-af34-d56403f973c5', {});Organ izational knowledgeIn order to effectively sell your company to potential candidates and address any and all questions and concerns that could arise on interviews and during recruiting calls, your recruiters will need to have an unparalleled and in-depth knowledge of your company- from its history to its organization and future plans and everything in-between. Bottom line: don’t send out any recruiter to represent your company who doesn’t have an understanding of your company and business down cold. Remember, in many instances recruiters will make your first impression to potential talent for you, and you always want it to be a good one.Great instinctsEffective recruiters have great innate instincts for talent- both obvious and not-so-obvious- which includes both the all-stars and oddballs who typically move the needle, disrupt the status quo, and lead to real innovation and growth. You should be operating with complete faith that the talent acquisition professionals o n your team will be able to unearth real talent and potential at all levels.Are you looking to build a killer talent acquisition team for your business? If so, then consider the qualities mentioned here when vetting recruiters. Good luck!
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