Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Carefully Read the Poem Simon Lee by William Wordsworth
Simon Lee the Old Huntsman is a poem which occurs in Lyrical Ballads and was written in 1798, belonging, thus, temporally to the Romantic period (1780-1830). Romantic writing is commonly identified with some key elements, which concern imagination, nature, symbolism and myth (although there have been writers of this period who were not as ‘mainstream’). William Wordsworth has been characterised as a canonical author of Romantic Poetry in that his work is highly attached to the notion of Nature and plenty of reference is made to it. Approaching a piece of literary work, however, from this perspective is very restraining, therefore, in this essay we will attempt a ‘social’ or ‘historical’ kind of approach. We shall try to ‘read’ the idealistic language found in the poem as social or historical discourse through the poetic techniques employed by the writer. In other words, we will analyse the way various elements of poetic form and language combine to create meaning and effects. Simon Lee is about an old huntsman who, while was once strong and active, now strives to fight his declined health and strength. The poem recounts an actual encounter of the poet with this old man. It seems to be a hybrid of lyric and narrative (a lyrical ballad). Lyric in that we have a first-person expression of emotion and concentration upon the actions and feelings of an individual at a particular moment, while narrative, since there is a narrator and another character, whom the former encounters and, later, describes. There are 12 stanzas of eight lines each with a rhyme scheme of ABABCDED that causes the lines to flow smoothly. The first stanza of the poem introduces us with Simon and sets the scene: ‘In the sweet shire of Cardigan’. It is obvious from the beginning that Wordsworth is dealing with a matter from common life, since every reader is familiar with and can picture a sweet shire, the same way the notion of ‘pleasant’ is easy to grasp. Furthermore, a series of modest, plain adjectives that evoke sadness are used to describe Simon: ‘old man’, ‘a little man’, who ‘once was tall’ making it clear that the ‘hero’ of the poem is just a humble, ordinary old man. Nature, Wordsworth argued, can save people from the alienation, frustration and triviality of contemporary urban life. It seems to me that by choosing to start the poem placing the readers in a rural area away from urban life, he seeks to evoke feelings opposed to the ones mentioned above, those that are for him connected with away-from-nature settings. The second stanza is, I consider, somewhat tragic, since two totally contradictory adjectives- ‘poor’ and ‘merry’- are used to describe this same person only in two different periods of his life: in the past and present. In this way, the winding down of Simon’s life over the years becomes even more intense to the reader. The rhyming couple ‘has he/ see’ in Lines 1 and 3 of the second stanza is known as poetic inversion. Wordsworth has inverted the word order for the sake of the sound sense of the verse as well as of the rhythm, both of which would have been different if he had used ‘he has’. Perhaps any other choice would have made the rhyme pattern less unfussy than it is now, and complication is what he has tried to avoid throughout the whole poem. The easy rhymes ‘merry/cherry’, ‘sound/round’, ‘sick/thick’, ‘door/poor’ are also justified by this theory. The metaphor ‘like a cherry’ is directly derived from the ‘diction’ of Nature and can be easily comprehended and pictured by the majority of the common population-especially in rural areas. In the fourth stanza the retrospection stops and Simon is no longer in the prime of his life. He is no longer healthy, rather he is ‘poor old Simon Lee’ again, who ‘has no son’, ‘has no child’, he only has ‘an aged woman’ and they both live ‘upon the village common’. Simon Lee is again transformed into the old man that was presented to us in the first stanza and the poetic inversion of ‘village common’ functions to leave an echo of the commonness of everything that surrounds this man, for once more. For the following four stanzas this picture of his is highlighted through words such as ‘lean’, ‘sick’, ‘thin’, ‘dry’, ‘weak’, ‘the weakest in the village’ or the image of his ankles, which are ‘swoln and thick’. By these means, the reader is ‘forced’ to sympathise with the hero, who is totally helpless. Even more, the repetition (which could also be characterised as alliteration) of the phrase ‘he has no’ in Line 5 of the fourth stanza reinforces the sense of loneliness and misery that is created. The same effect is also achieved by the alliteration that occurs between the words ‘sole’ -‘survivor’ in Line 8 of the third stanza. What is strikingly noticeable is that there is a pause at the end of almost each line, either a comma, a semi-colon, a full-stop or an exclamation mark, with occasional exceptions in some lines in an inconsistent pattern. This stylistic device, known as ‘enjambment’, suggests that these exceptional lines actually run on; however, on account of the actual line ending itself (with no punctuation mark) the reader is made to pause for a while and think. In other words, he can read each line slowly. This works to relieve any sense of suspense or tension within the poem. Or we can say that the writer initially aims at reproducing classical qualities of balance, harmony and proportion, while the variations noticed may function to indicate the disturbance that has occurred to the above. Suddenly, in the ninth octave Wordsworth writes directly to the reader –‘My gentle reader’- and asks him to expect no action; the poem is not climactic and the poet is addressing this fact (‘It is no tale’). Through the phrase ‘I perceive’ he reveals his insight into the reader’s reactions (‘ I’ m afraid that you expect some tale will be related’) and he establishes that there is no resolution or climax to be expected. He is also implying the reader’s blindness of the ‘tale’ already told by Simon’s aging body: the fact that he is humbled while he realises that struggling against a decaying organism is hopeless. At this point it might be useful to think of the readers whom this poem was originally created to address. On the one hand, Wordsworth has chosen to include the common people of rural life in his range of audience, and therefore is using their own language. In the ‘Preface’ to his Lyrical Ballads of 1802 he argues that the language of poetry ought to be ‘language of men’. As he says, this is because the rural poor ‘convey their feelings and notions in simple and unelaborated expressions’ (Wu, Romanticism,1994 p. 252). Their habits do not change as they are not affected by fashion, so their language is more sincere. On the other hand, by the phrase ‘my gentle reader’, we could also say that he is addressing the readers belonging to the upper-class of society; the educated people who would expect a more elaborated language and this poem to actually be far less profound that it really is. To those people who cannot see that it functions to be symbolic, but who only see the words and the events without the meaning lying below these. Wordsworth had lived through the Revolutionary period and was against the early ideas, which is why he had the reputation of a radical. He was influenced by the democratic ideas of the period. It seems that through this poem he seeks to change the social circumstances of the time. He seeks for a more democratic state and he attempts to pass this notion through the use of simple, unelaborated language, which is considered as ‘uncorrupted’. Let’s not forget that it was written in a period of remarkable social and political change. Therefore, in one sense, he conducted his own ‘social revolution’, influenced by the social context within which he created poetry. He was against the received idea of poetic language being as refined and eloquent as to be available only to those with an education. We might, thus, say that by addressing his reader in these two stanzas he is being ironic towards this class of society. At the conclusion of the poem, where the only action so far has been the decay of life, this ‘single blow’ in the twelfth stanza seems to be releasing a sense of freedom from this natural law and the writer’s tone suggests this victory over aging and decay. Simon’s response to this comes with ‘The tears into his eyes’ and ‘thanks and praises’ , conveying a shift from negative to positive; from pity to admiration, since attention now passes from Simon’s outward decay to the endless ‘activity’ and openness of his heart. The writer is overwhelmed by this gratitude expressed towards him and suggests that kindness within one’s heart may overcome any physical decay that comes with aging and bring about this spiritual survival that equals physical vigour of youthful.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Battleship Sailor by Theodore Mason
Ensuring one’s safety is a task we ought to do for ourselves. However, serving in battle for one’s country is not very common to all. In this way, we can say that military officers are real heroes. Being in the service, they promise to do their best not only to defend lives in danger, but guard the nation’s security. In his book, Theodore Mason details the war he witnessed as a navy officer during the bombing of the Pearl Harbor. Set in 1941, the author provides details on the struggles of being in the navyâ€â€the challenges and boredom, success and fears.Unlike other accounts of wars, this book takes a different angle in that the author is not a colored officer, rather a low-rank radio operator who was not well-trained in ammunitions. At first, the book is a bit monotonous, as it talks about the usual everyday life of the members of the navy. Mason's use of acronyms and his namecalling could almost make the ordinary reader sleep for difficulty of relating wi th the characters and things he mentioned. Nevertheless, he is good at describing virtually the environment and the people around him.He wrote about the drinking sprees they had in Honolulu, San Francisco and Seattle when they went on shore. Just like the usual navy officers, they had fun drinking, dancing, and watching girls. The main part of the book is the Japanese plot on the ships, which is made intense by the fact that the navy officials that time were on shore, thus the ammunitions were all locked up. To worsen the situation, Mason states that crews did not have much knowledge of defense, and were not trained to hold ammunitions.When the Japanese attacked on the Pearl Harbor, Mason was sent to USS California's maintop, which allowed him a bird's eyeview of everything happening, including the sinking of their ship and the devastation caused by the enemies. At the end of the book, the author gives his reflections about the war. From what he witnessed, he expressed sadness from the ruins of war to a nation so beautiful and great. Work Cited Mason, Theodore. â€Å"Battleship Sailor. †Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 1994.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Reactive Power compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Reactive Power compensation - Essay Example This is due to the fact that it has no reactive power at all. As a matter of fact, its reactive power is equivalent to zero. In this case, the power triangle mimics and horizontal line. This should logically be so noting that the opposite side which represents reactive power has a length of 0 cm. inappropriate power factor can be rectified, paradoxically, through addition of an extra load to the circuit. In essence, the added load is equivalent reactive power acting in an opposite direction. The addition cancels the effects resulting from a load's inductive reactance. Notably, only capacitive reactance can cancel the inductive reactance and hence a parallel capacitor is added to the provided circuit to act as the extra load. As a result of the impact resulting from the two reactance acting in opposite directions, and parallel to each other, the circuit's total impedance becomes equivalent to the entire resistance. This assists in making the impedance phase angle equivalent, or in the least tends towards zero. Having the knowledge that that the un-rectified reactive power is 561.724 VAR (inductive), there is a need to derive the right size of a capacitor to generate an equivalent amount of reactive power. Given that the identified capacitor will act in a direction parallel to the source, the following formula is applied in calculation and it begins with identification of voltage and reactance: But And hence, The simulation is done using a rounded of capacitor value of 29, yielding the following results, True power = 447.002 Apparent power = 447.008 For case 2, where capacity improves power factor to 0.95 lagging, Circuit sketch The circuit has both inductance and resistance and hence the two are combined to form, Given that, P = True power, Q= Reactive power, and S = Apparent power P is given as, S is given as, Q is given as, Redrawing the circuit, we have Resistive/reactive load: For power factor = 0.95 Consequently, This indicates the capacitive reactance XC m ust be Original XL - Improved PF XL = 80.2986 – 16.434 = 63.8646 ohms Simulating this, a 20 is used, as shown True power = 447.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Analysis of Implementation of the Doctorate in Nursing Practice Degree Research Paper
Analysis of Implementation of the Doctorate in Nursing Practice Degree - Research Paper Example Doctorate level practice is one of the highest levels of nursing practice, and it involves top-notch training based on nursing science. The two categories of doctorates may coexist inside the same nursing education division. The predominant research-oriented doctorate program in nursing Ph.D., whereas the practice-focused discipline is Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) though recently introduced. The latter is seen as a counter-PhD because the proponents feel that former doesn’t have a practical aspect. It is for this reason that much contrary views have arisen. The inception of the Doctorate in nursing practice by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing has got some mixed reception within the nursing profession. The proponents have grounded on the fact that unlike tradition doctoral programs, the DNP program will emphasize practice-oriented direction and offer an alternative to research-oriented doctoral programs. The first reason to move to this program is due to the shifting of the nation’s intricate health-care environment. It requires high level of scientific skills and practices proficiency to provide quality treatment outcomes (, 2014). Various institutions such as joint commission and foundations and the institute of medicine have supported this program and called for a re-look on the nursing profession that prepares practical aspect of nursing. Another major factor that builds impetus for change of the nursing culture at doctorate level include: the speedy expansion of comprehension underlying practice; inclined health care complexities; widespread concern over patient safety and quality of health and scarcity of nursing workforce. This demands a high standard of preparation of nursing practitioner who can be able to design, assess, and evaluate patient care. The shortage of practice-focused nursing faculty has made the DNP attract increased learning expectation of nursing community to fit the existing gap.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The watergate story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The watergate story - Essay Example During the re-election campaign he got incredible number of votes and won. However, he was brought down by the scandals he got involved in. There were many smaller dealings he was involved in that went undetected by the public and FBI or CIA. Nevertheless, in his fight to assure victory on the elections, he committed more serious crimes. It started with break-in to the headquarter office of the Democrat Party. Then the long and drawn-out court hearings followed, many high officials lost their positions, a power struggle and, finally, the first in the history of USA resignation of the President. WATERGATE COMPLEX BREAK-IN In June 1972 five people were arrested inside the offices of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate office complex in Washington. They were carrying wiretapping equipment, thus they were not just an ordinary robbers or burglars. The men were wearing surgical gloves and carried thousands of dollars in cash. The whole operation was carefully and professiona lly planned and was not an ordinary case of robbery. The press got right into investigating this case and Nixon had to make to make a claim that White House had nothing to do with this break into the headquarters of the Democratic Party. As was found later, the bugging was a part of the President’s Nixon’s re-election campaign. ... Two masterminds of the break-in were G.Gordon Liddy (who was fired from the committee only few days before the accident) and E. Howard Hunt, a White House consultant (who did not want to give his testimonies during the investigations, he was paid to keep silence). Both of them were former FBI and CIA agents. Other suspects were also agents of either FBI or CIA. Democrats have tried to bring this incident up in the White House and at Nixon’s re-election committee. The five men arrested, or so it seemed, had something to do with Cuba, and most of them were connected to CIA or FBI in some way. The Police confiscated the spying equipment these men carried with them as well as cash, total amount of which was $2,300. During the case of investigation it was determined that prior to the incident a check for a large sum of money was deposited to the banking account of one of the people, who participated and were arrested for the break-in, namely, to Bernard Baker. The finance chairman of the President’s re-election campaign could not provide any substantial explanation as to where the check came from, why and how it got to Mr. Baker or what was the purpose of it. Mr. Baker was trying to pretend the money got to him by accident, however, it was determined that he was well aware of this financial operation and withdrew large amount of money from his account. Some of that money was found on men who were arrested for break-in. All these evidence and more led former Democratic National Chairman Lawrence O’ Brien to file a civil suit against Nixon and his committee as well as five suspects on the ground of violation of constitutional rights of all Democrats. Mr. O’Brien stated that a special counsel to the President, Charles
Evaluation of the Queens Head Hotel Strategy Essay
Evaluation of the Queens Head Hotel Strategy - Essay Example Future recommendations for food and beverage operation will be provided and then advice Cullum about converting the other hotel restaurants in the group to a Giuseppe’s using the situation analysis as well as academic references to support the findings. Queen Head generates high revenue from providing food and beverage services to their customers. O’fallon and Rutherford (2011) noted that food and beverage is a term that is used in the hospitality industry to describe items in banquets and outside catering services. The department of food and beverage consists of kitchens, internal and external catering, restaurants, room service, and internal and external banqueting. The hotel requires a huge quantity of various staff members to cater to the needs and services of the customers outside and inside the hotel in order to facilitate the smooth running of the business. Developing a positive image on Facebook and other social media activities strengthens the food and beverage operations, as they are able to target many customers especially the middle-aged who frequently need to meet friends and hang out in the best restaurants. Giles-Gash family who operates about ten ventures in Southwestern part of England own Queens Head hotel. The hotel has a 50-cover restaurant, 50 bedrooms, a leisure complex, and a bar. Cullum is the younger son of the Giles-Gash who joined the business after completing his hospitality degree. Strianese et al. (2012) noted that the hotel provides a spectacular setting with its 16th Century fireplaces and bespoke chandeliers. They have a live performance venue where their customers can dance all night during the DJ nights. Cullum made a lot of money after taking over Giuseppe’s businesses as lots of profits were made during the first few months when the restaurant was new and it developed loyal customers during that period hence hope for more productivity. Hill et al. (2010) defined the trading position as the number of securities borrowed or owned by dealers or individuals. Queens Heads mainly deals with the hotel and restaurant business where they provide different traditional British cuisines to their customers and hold various events such as weddings and funeral teas.Â
Friday, July 26, 2019
Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Skills - Essay Example It is preferable for the care giver to have the woman’s prenatal record when speaking to the woman during the admission process. This stage involves checking whether the labor experienced by the woman is false or true. If the labor is true the woman has to be admitted. Various factors are assessed in order to identify true labor (London & Old, 2008). They include intervals and intensity of the labor contractions, the dilation of cervix and the fetus conditions. The other assessment at this stage includes conducting a diagnosis test to find more information about the woman’s health status. Apart from assessing the labor status and the health conditions of the women, other factors such as psychosocial and cultural factors are also assesses at this stage. If the labor is true and the woman’s health condition is not good, it may result into maternal death, the woman will not give birth normally. Other strategies such as caesarean will be used (London & Old, 2008). During the second stage, care givers assess things such as the fetal status which include its position and heart rate. This stage also involves assessment of cervical dilation. Stage two usually starts when the cervix has dilated to 10 centimeters. The contraction of the uterine wall will also be assessed. A normal contraction at this stage should last for about 45 to 90 seconds. The position and the visibility of the baby will also be assessed at this stage. The behaviors of the woman are also assessed at this stage. For instance behaviors such as the urge to push are usually assessed (London & Old, 2008). I realized that nurses play a vital role during the labor stages. They give both physical and emotional support to the woman and her family in the entire process (London & Old, 2008). For instance, during the admission stage they usually help in assessing the risk factors and the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Personal experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Personal experience - Essay Example For instance, the fear of public speaking can be handled through practice. This means that if one has a fear of public speaking this problem can be encountered through practicing talking in front of the friends as they listen. After getting used to talk in front of the friend then one can look for a larger congregation like a class of fifty students and address to and through the practice the fear of public speaking may be solved. From the book, the lessons learned about the ambiguity aversion are that it comes from fear of the unknown. This is when someone feels it difficult to express his or her ideas in front of unknown congregation. This fear may be even deeply entrenched than the fear of public speaking. According to Berns 60, it is evident that the ambiguity aversion does not only happen to the human beings but also the other animals have this phenomenon and also experience the same. This fear can also be inhibited because the human beings posses a larger prefrontal cortex than the animals. One of the solutions to ambiguity aversion is to convert it into a risk. The use of Bayesian Updating may be used. Bayesian Updating is a process is a statistical process of using new process to update probability estimates (Bern70). Reappraisal can be commonly applied to view ambiguity as a very big opportunity to get and attain knowledge. If ambiguity is used over several times and repeatedly then it can be quickly changed into a risk. In the community, there has been a big issue on the pollution and many raised campaigns on how to dispose of unwanted material (Wheatley and Frieze 30). Due to this issue of pollution an idea can be got form it and be used in the play to come up with more useful items from the waste material. Via this problem of pollution on the land whereby the land is getting acidified by the chemicals disposed by the community and the industries after why a grant idea can be invented on
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Do We Need More or Less Regulation Research Paper
Do We Need More or Less Regulation in the Internet - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the United States is the top-ranked country with the highest host density1in cyberspace, ranked at 65.3%. It is a country that allows a high degree of competition to its new users, and so carries a great deal of responsibility on its shoulders. More importantly, in the US, IP telephony is unregulated because it is considered to be an information service. And given the high population of the internet community of the United States, regulation is not only a recommendation but a valid requirement. Unless properly regulated, the trends of internet usage promise a disastrous picture in the long run for the United States - both economically as well as socially. Socially, because the United States legislation, known for its strict regulatory framework on the international front, would prove to be a negligible threat to the ever-increasing community of Internet hackers, thieves, virus-creators, and so on. However, the economic numbers are far mo re intimidating. Hacking costs the United States economy close to $400 million every year2. Given the ever-multiplying community of internet unscrupulous minds, this number is a cause for grave concern. This dangerous figure of $400 million is the testimony to the fact that the security of cyberspace in the United States stands dangerously exposed, and unless serious steps are taken to amend the prevailing situation, cyberspace faces the risk of unscrupulous domination in the years to come. We live in a digital age. Most of our world is comprised of data and bytes instead of flesh and blood. In such a case, the need for internet regulation becomes imperative. The lack of internet regulation will lead to a state of cyber anarchy, a state of complete lawlessness where we will have no one else to blame except ourselves. The time has come for us to decide which is more important to us: Digital safety or artificial freedom. The main reason for internet regulation is its great influence o n our life - whether it is starting a business, getting legal advice, understanding the theory of relativity, or doing some jewelry shopping. The internet's presence is all-pervasive. For the sake of our expressions and thoughts, we prefer blogs (online internet diaries) instead of conventional methods (it is claimed that there are over 14 million blogs on the internet and one blog is created every half a second!). For starting a business, we prefer an online business as compared to the traditional brick-and-mortar. And for buying something, we prefer e-bay to the store on Regent Street. Yes, the internet has given us what we always wanted - absolute freedom. But is freedom all that is required Unless there is a sense of responsibility accompanying it, freedom will be a synonym of lawlessness. And in the present circumstances, we are witnessing a dangerous event of cyber anarchy. Just like anything else, the internet is to be used in a responsible manner.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Nike's Global Marketing Strategy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nike's Global Marketing Strategy - Term Paper Example It can be said that the rise of internet and high speed data connectivity and transmission services in various parts of the world has led to the rise of multinational corporations, who achieve significant rate of growth in the business by entering new and foreign markets in emerging as well as established economies around the world. Talking in these lines, it can be said that the rise of connectivity power has led to the significant amount of power transfer to consumers around the world, who increasingly look for high product quality as well as the ability to purchase highly branded products. This provided a significant amount of opportunity for Nike, a company with global presence and a series of branded product categories, whose demands are felt all over the world from various emerging as well as well developed markets. Nike, Inc. which has a significant number of business subsidiaries in various parts of the world is engaged in the processes of designing, development, marketing as well as sales of the product. The product portfolio of the company comprises of shoes, apparels, accessories and gear, as well as a host of highly innovative products which are mainly aimed at increasing the level of physical activity of human being, while providing the motivation to compete with others on the basis of their levels of activity. The product portfolio is targeted towards the individuals of various age groups and hence, the products are catered to the multiple segments comprising of men, women and kids. The product portfolio also serves the needs and demands of sports, clothing and gear related accessories for a variety of sports comprising of basketball, football, soccer. The product offerings of the company also include the requirements of running and training activities and requirements separately for both men’s and women’s (, 2012). The company because of its apparel and footwear related accessories, falls under the sector of consumer goods. Talking in terms of global presence of the company, it can be said that the company has presence in all major markets around the world that comprises of the markets like Asia, American, Europe, Africa, etc. On an overall note, it can be said that the company has footprints in 170 countries, around the world (, 2011) Talking about the market dominance, it can be said that the company is the largest manufacturers of sports goods, and accessories around the world. The company is also the one of the major sponsors for various sporting tournaments around the world. It can also be highlighted that the brand has multiple associations with various reputed sporting agencies around the world and because of that are often recognized as the official sponsors of advertising for various large scale major tournaments. It also needs to be mentioned that in the most recent times, the company’s brand image Nike is ranked at number 44, as per a study conducted WPP, which aimed to identify the top 100 brands of 2012 all over the world (WPP, 2012). Strategic Analysis of the Past Strategies are outlined by the companies of all sizes and dimensions in an attempt to cater to their target market as well as the target audience by the process of offering of their customized or specific products and services through effective s egmentation, targeting and positioning of the consumers as well as designing a highly effective marketing
Monday, July 22, 2019
Project Proposal Essay Example for Free
Project Proposal Essay Introduction HIV/ AIDS is a disease which has been prevalent among many people particularly in poor developing countries sub-Saharan Africa is part. HIV stands for human immuno deficiency virus which causes aids. This disease leads to lowering of person’s immunity to other diseases (Chambers,D.E Wedel, K.R (2005). With the lowered immunity the body becomes vulnerable to attacks by opportunistic infections. HIV/AIDS has been termed by many as a monster of the present day because the devastating effects it has had on the population. It has caused the deaths of many reliable young men and women who were the back bone of the economy. It has rendered many people orphans widows and widowers leaving them with no one to provide for their daily bread. It is for this reason there fore hat urgent measure s should be put in place to curb the spread of the disease. This project is intended to bring down the prevalence rates by introducing key measures. These are creation of community awareness, supply of free ARVs, supply of free protective devices such as condoms. Another way is reduction of stigma through voluntary counseling and testing. Thesis statement The spread of HIV aids which has remained a problem for a long time can be curbed. This can be achieved only if approaches proposed in this project proposal are followed and implemented to the letter. Analysis The causes and consequences of HIV/AIDS have been widely discussed and as such much attention should be directed towards reduction of the spread. There are many ideologies that have been advanced to support the source or cause of HIV/ AIDS. Some people have argued that aids is caused by witch craft while others argue that it is not real and yet others say it is a punishment to man kind for sinning against God. How ever, none of these ideologies should be taken seriously because AIDS is real and it is actually a viral disease ( – 4). By actual analysis it has been established that the project on reduction of the spread of HIV/AIDS is likely to benefit the entire population. This is through increased economic growth as result of a reduction of deaths among the working population. Also through reduction of spread of aids there will be reduction on human suffering in general. It is also argued that reduction in spread of this disease its likely to impact negatively on manufacturers of ARVS and other drugs that treat the disease. Not with standing this is can concluded that there no absolute gainers and losers in the fight against the spread of this disease. Policy elements Mission To gain a remarkable reduction in the levels of HIV/AIDS prevalence among the population and thus an improvement in life. Goals Improving living standards Creating awareness about the reality Objectives Creating employment opportunities To achieve free supply of ARVS to the less fortunate in the society Educating the community on the causes of the disease Sensitizing the community on safe sex practices Benefits and services The project on reduction of spread of HIV/AIDS is seen to have great visible benefits to the targeted population. These benefits will range from information and education on the cause of HIV/AIDS and how it can be prevented. The project is intended to provide free ARVs to those already affected b the scourge.            Other benefits and services expected from the project include free guidance and counseling to both positive and negative people in terms of status. This is seen to along way in reducing if not eliminating stigma which has been long associated with this disease. There will also be ‘home care’ for the bed ridded victims of this disease. This is likely to give hope to those others already affected by this disease both directly or in directly. Eligibility There are two categories of people who will be eligible to participate for benefit from this project. There those already infected by the disease and negative people who are wiling t actively participate in spreading the gospel of fighting HIV/AIDS.         The two categories are to be identified by voluntary testing and call for volunteers among the population. Once identified the categories will be listed and actively engaged in order to discover the full benefits of the program. Service delivery            To begin with as way of ensuring that service delivery is executed well, there will be a code of ethics that is to be observed by employees. An example of this a abiding by the confidentially rule which states that those dealing with clients or sick should not divulge their HIV status they are under duty to so.            Another way to ensure proper service delivery is by acting promptly to distress call e.g. a call from a sick in need of help say counseling. Showing empathy to those affected by the scourge is another way to win public trust. Through this the services delivered through the project will be perceived good and important by the community.            Finally by taking complaints and compliments and acting on them appropriately will prove vital to good service delivery. Problem to be addressed The spread of HIV/AIDS has been a major problem affecting many countries especially in sub Saharan Africa. This proposal is aimed at tackling this key problem i.e. which has remained a nightmare to many i.e. spread of HIV/AIDS The spread of this disease has not been arrested as a result of failure to implement policies which have been formulated. The policies aimed at curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS has failed to succeed because the government has half heartedly opted to implement the policies. Evaluation At the end of every year assessment should be undertaken to evaluate if there has been any program in eradication of spread of HIV/AIDS in areas under coverage. Some of the activities for the indication of success in the program will entail; 1.Carrying out research in the areas in the current prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS spreads prevailing data from hospitals and VCT centre through questioners and interviews to get feedback from the community about their taking of the activities of the program and its organization. Gain from the project and both compliments and complaints against the programs activity which will be used for appraisal of the program. There should be noted overall change in moral standards of the community. Prostitution, adultery and rape cases should have reduced in high rates from the social educational activities such as communal work, participation in the program and seminars in HIV/AIDS awareness campaign activities which should be undertaken in all cities and towns. Our supplies for products such as condoms dispensers and educational materials should be running out of stock and replenishing done more often. So tenders will eventually be often offered and varied. People should be freely attending aids testing and be ready to freely talk about the disaster without fear of stigmatization. Those infected should be able to undertake or carry on their normal life and remain productive. Family should have made it a norm to have HIV/AIDS and sexuality discussions at home. Timeline The program is to be undertaken in phases with each phase taking a 3 year period starting from phase1, through phase2 to phase4. In phase1, the main concern would be accruing professional and subordinate staff who shall be responsible for the policy formulated, implemented and evaluation of the program. Also the conduct with community all have to start to ensure the awareness of the community of the presence and the fullness of the program The other hand achievement will have to be posted as media stations to give the program a wider outlook and presence. In phase2, the program the program will hit the road aggressive campaign now that the staff are ready morally and aware of the requirements and targets. In this phase activities still carried a phase1 will have to keep abreast with the developments in the stage. At this point the participation in the community work will have hit the road, as it is very acceptable with main challenge viewing changing community participation of the HIV/aids disaster. At the last phase will entail consolidating the gains and improving on the inadequacies of the programme with an aim to have holistic achievement of the programme. So those activities which are not producing required results will be done away with and instead concentrate most of the resources on those policies that have high result. Problem to be addressed The problem is that with all the material and human resource which have already been used, very little or no considerable gain has been achieved in the current fight against the spread of the disaster in majority of the countries especially the sub-Saharan countries in Africa. The statistics have shown very little reduction inn the spread of the disaster and infact it is has actually just been reduced to an arithmetic growth rate which is not acceptable given the size of the resources used in the curbing of the menace. The situation is even made worse by the fact that, the cure is yet to be discovered. The program world therefore ensures the spread of the disaster is controlled and that those affected are well cared for and the people perception of the disaster changes and that people give up the fight just because a cure is not currently on shelves. The most important thing should be achievement in ensuring that the working population is not depleted and the professionals still remain to carry on the research and above all keep mankind from extinction. References Chambers,D.E Wedel, K.R (2005). Social Policy and social programs for the practical public policy analyst, 9th edition Definition of HIV/ AIDS available at: – 4, accessed on March 21, 2008 Definition of HIV/ AIDS available at 277k accessed on March 21, 2008
Robin Hood Swot Essay Example for Free
Robin Hood Swot Essay 1) Perform a basic SWOT analysis on the situation Robin Hood is in. List the top 3-4 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that Robin Hood faces. Strengths * The more people that join Robin Hood the better to outnumber the Sherriff * His close friends have a good understanding of their duties * Are pretty organized and have a clear goal Weaknesses * Group became too large * Discipline was not in reach once such a large group banded together, many arguments ensued * Became more disorganized as group grew * Less accommodations were available Opportunities * Restoring power to King Richard will solve Robin Hoods issue with the Sheriff * King Richard may recognize Robin Hood abilities and make him his right hand man * Robin Hood could make a name for himself and be in history books due to his accomplishments Threats * Sheriff’s backing was becoming stronger and organized * Sheriff has political connections and influential allies * Sheriff’s men could kill them all 2) Are the various Threats that Robin Hood faces and the Weaknesses he has getting worse or getting better? As the days went on, the threats and weaknesses were mounting against Robin Hood. Since there wasn’t any filtering of persons joining the group, they did not weed out the unscrupulous ones. The group was running out of the necessary supplies to survive and couldn’t contain the madness. When all of this was happening, people started leaving Robin’s group to back the sheriff. His allegiances and organization was very attractive to Robin’s men. 3) The case describes several different options (the Opportunities in your SWOT analysis) that Robin Hood could choose to follow to fix his problems: a. Implement a fixed Transit Tax b. Expand to a larger area within/around the forest c. Kill the Sheriff d. Join the Barons in a plan to free the King Richard. Which ONE of the opportunities described in the case do you think will do the best job of addressing the situation that Robin Hood’s group is in and fixing their long term problems? Why? I would say that the best choice for Robin Hood to fix his problems would be to join the Barons in a plan to free King Richard. I think that Robin Hood could bring his people (the ones that remained) together and build some sort of a structured environment. Once that is completed, they could join forces and free King Richard. In a successful rescue and â€Å"re-throning†, he will be able to address the people’s concerns and bring happiness to all. Maybe then they will not be anymore â€Å"stealing from the rich to give to the poor†.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Qualities required to be a Competent Change Agent
Qualities required to be a Competent Change Agent Change agents are leaders who cut across the organization and its business units without regard to the traditional hierarchy. Directly or indirectly, they implement new processes, train employees on new procedures, and act as role models to demonstrate new and better ways to work. A Change Agent is the direct liaison between the technical project team members and the end users [Gardner, J. W. (1991)]. The Change Agent understands the new business process being implemented and understands the impact of that process to the business. The role of an change agent is very important in an organization as it is not an easy task to manage a change in an organization. When there is any question arise to change in the organization that means that its need to make a change in a designed and organize fashion. It could be said with the situation of an IT project it has to change the edition of the project and also this edition should be managed properly. A change in the organization or the project could be started within the company or also may be from outside source. [Gardner, J. W. (1994)]. As an example, there is a product which is very popular among the people. But there need a change in the design of this product. [Budd, R. W., Thorp, R. K., Donohew, L. (1997)]. This is the example where there is a change initiate within the company. At this moment the main concern about this product is that how will the company respond to this change. This type of change is managed by the change management within the organization. Im mediate and as well as positive responses to this changes could be possible within the organization. Change agent: A change agent is a person whose presence or thought processes cause a change from the traditional way of handling or thinking about a problem [Jakobson, R. (1990).]. Management consultants are often hired as change agents for corporate organization development retreats. Role of a change agent: There are some roles that could be performed by the change agent. Those roles are as follows: The change agent should develop a definite change goal: By diagnosing, a change agent should find out the real issues in the organization and propose the exact and clear goal. By analyzing he or she will begin the following task: There may be some barrier to get the expected result of the organization and that should be found out. The organization should have ability to make the desired change and this should short out by the change agent. The expected future of the organization. The real situation of the organization in the running time. The opportunities of the changes that are appear in the organization. There are specific target and dreams of the main stakeholders within the organization. To make a change, the change agent should also find those. There are some values of the organization. The problems and the issues which are presented in the organization. Every organization have some future strategy that how will they operate the organization in next few years. The change agent should also take those in account. There may be some changes which may be occurred by the external environment there is some impact for this change in the organization and as well as the consumers. By applying those change agent could able to determine that which type of changes are necessary with in the organization. The change agent as a facilitator: The most difficult part of a change agent to make everyone involved in the process of change and make them dedicated to the necessary actions. The change agent should get himself concerned with [Budd, R. W., Thorp, R. K., Donohew, L. (1997)]: Identifying the key stakeholders of the change. Involving these stakeholders in the diagnostic process. This means helping them to achieve consensus on the changes the organisation needs to make. When done in a participative process, this helps create ownership for change. Helping the stakeholders to set clear goals for their change process. Educating these stakeholders about the changes they want to make and helping them to understand how the changes theyve selected will impact on the rest of the organisation. (systems thinking.) Helping the stakeholders to understand how these changes will benefit the company, their division and themselves. This in turn builds commitment to the change. Helping the stakeholders understand the costs of these changes to the company, their division and to themselves personally. the designer Designing a change process that will achieve specific change goals, is a creative process. This involves: Observing all the change tools and interventions that are available. Selecting those specific change tools and discoveries that will help the organization to achieve its change objectives. Creating additional activities and interventions to fill any gaps. Reviewing that each intervention supports every other intervention, and that all interventions support the companys values, strategies and plans. Arranging and integrating these interventions into one simple, seamless, step by step process. Deciding on the roles that need to be played to support the process. The project manager ..Many different roles are required for a change process to work. Often a change agent will play the role of a project manager and co-ordinate the activities of the different role players. Typical roles in a change process include [Jakobson, R. (1990).]: A change steering committee. The CEO of the company. The executive team. Regional coordinators (in large scale changes). External consultants. Internal consultants. Middle managers. Departmental or divisional change agents. Communications coordinators. Change web designers. Marketing professionals. Individuals within the company. The educator Those involved in managing the change, and those who will be affected by the change, often are surprised by their feelings when confronted by change. Resistance, frustration and confusion of common emotions associated by change [David, F. R. (1994)]. To teach the people about what types of changes are expected in the organization is one of the main duty of the change agent. Those tasks are as follows: They need to know that how can those types of emotions could be overcame also they have know the others feelings about this changes. The mental situation people will face when they need to walk under the process of changes. A change should know the way of overcoming the resistance and they should also help others to do that. A change agent should be creative to do his / her duty. They have to make a change process funny and there should be excitement within the changes. A change agent should help others to grow those feelings with them. So that they should not be scared about the change. A change must face the resistance and a change agent needs to overcome those resistances. Tools for making your change process successful. A change agent should have necessary tactics to make a change process successful. The change agent as a marketer: Sometimes they find it out that this change is only beneficial to the company but not for own self to develop his / her career. They think that this type of change is the additional work for them. The change agent who have enough skill to create the belief among the employee that the change is necessary for the organization and also for themselves [David, F. R. (1994)]. The employee of the organization will get the feelings that change is worthwhile and enjoyable for them. They will take the change as the chance to develop their skills and also the opportunities to learn some new skills. This is the option to the employee to grow their visibility in the organization. They will find the change as the experience of adventure where everyone will find out their personal skills. To do this a change agent has to apply some marketing technique within the organization. Those are as follows: [Gardner, J. W. (1991)]: The change agent should make the proper publicity among the employees. There should be an environment of contest within the organization. A change agent should get the help of various media as example theatre. There should be some prizes based on the theme of change. There should be some reward and honor for those who participate in the process of change. The successful participators will treated as a role character in the organization. Change agent as an Inspiration agent: A change agent should help others to participate in the chage [Hanakawa, S. I. (1996)]: A change agent should help everyone to find out the skills they have in them. Everyone have the dream of the private magnitude. A change agent should help them to get this. A change agent should give courage to everyone to take the risks to make a change. That should be their magical power of making change. A change agent should help individual to get out from the resistance to change and make them successful. Everyones success how much small that may be, should be celebrated. A change agent should encourage others. There may be resistance to changes. A change agent should find out the systems in a creative way. A change agent should recognize the obstacle that need to change the whole system. A change agent should identify the success and he / she should share with other employee in the organization to encourage them. Qualities required to become a complete change agent: A good agent should have the correct attitude to the resistance. They should have sufficient knowledge to make the changes. The correct approach towards the changes: Its not easy to make change. Its need to have good power of keeping own self patience with the changes. The change process is mix with the emotion of annoying and disappointed. A change agent should be determined to get out from those types of situation. A change agent should be faithful towards the change and they should have positive behavior with the projects. They have the necessary skills and knowledge to take the necessary steps to make a change successful. Mainly the resistance to the change came from the senior management of an organization. They have behaved sensitively to get the support from the senior management. A change agent need to make agreement with everyone in the organization and these types of deals mostly happened with the staffs who are senior in the organization. So a change agent has to behave tactfully with them because if they do not agree with the changes then the project becomes failed. A change agent should have also political knowledge. This is important because a change agent then able to know any types of ongoing circumstances within the organization carefully. Proper awareness about the change: In the sense of the business a change agent must be aware with the current situation of the business and a change agent should have sufficient knowledge in the field of business too. A change agent should have also the managerial skills. Not only this but also a change agent should have knowledge about the economic situation of the organization that means from where those funds come and how it is expend. They should make it sure that there should be minimum expenditure to bring the changes. A change agent should also aware with the consumer of the organization or the business and those who are closely related with the organization externally and the internally too. A good relation with the employee of the organization is necessary to make the changes successfully so, a change agent should make a good understanding with all the employee of the organization. The important skills of a change agent: To handle the situation under the stress a change agent should be expert enough. A change agent must be able to take care of such a condition successfully. A change agent should have good practical skills and they should able to understand the causes of such type of situation. A change agent should know the definite goal of the organization and they will work towards those goals and help everyone to reach that goal effectively. They should able to take all the pressures. They also need to be able to relate to the resistance of others, study it and make necessary changes if found valid. Communication skills are highly relevant in overcoming resistance. They should have also the following qualities: Common sense. And the courage to use it. Credibility and trust the ability to work at all levels in the organisation. Knowledge of change management. The ability to work with teams of people both inside and outside the organisation. This includes the ability to work with people across all departments. The ability to do very unstructured work. Creativity. The ability to custom design processes to meet the goals of the organisation. Self confidence balanced by humility. Facilitation skills Design skills. Coaching skills. A love of innovation and new ways of doing things. A sense of humor and a sense of fun. A spirit of caring. The ability to inspire people. To bring out the magic within every individual and every team How to overcome the resistance as a change agent: To take advantage of resistance, a whole-system view is required as well as an appreciation for the interconnectedness of diverse symptoms and true root-cause problems. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) and the Thinking Processes that are part of the TOC body of knowledge provide just such a view and a set of powerful tools that can be used to not only address resistance but also use it to enhance the solution beyond the original concept. The TOC Thinking Processes are logical thinking and communication tools which, while they can be used in standalone situations, together form a coherent problem-solving and change management process. Their generic purpose is to translate intuition into a format that can be discussed rationally, questioned without offense, and modified to more fully reflect the understanding of a situation. They are used for the construction of solutions to problems as well as to facilitate communication, collaboration, and consensus among those that must be involved in its resolution. Conclusion: Change is much more than simply the vision thing. Implementing change is inter-related to scanning the environment, making an estimate of the situation, determining what direction the organization needs to take, knowing what the culture of the organization is, how to leverage that culture to help with change, and deciding what actions need to be taken to make the change. Effectively implementing change also is directly related to the leadership style of the organizations top leaders. Also, as one move through the decision making process, trying to assess the need for change, make sure you ask the questions about opportunity costs. It is important to assess the costs of change as well as the cost of not changing. A change process is nothing but a condition when its need to solve it. A change may be need because there may be a problem occurred in the organization. A change agent need to aware about the situation and they should help it out to solve the problem. It is their responsibility to make everything in under control in the organization. A successful change agent is he / she who can do it. A change process can be seen as a leaving the present state and entering to a new state through some organized process.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Nature of Psychology Essay examples -- essays research papers
The Nature of Psychology      Psychology is the scientific study and practical application of observable behavior and mental processes of organisms. Psychology differs from other social sciences such as: Sociology, History, or Economics, because psychology specifically deals with the study of an individual. The other social sciences will study groups, or history. Psychology is less a science of reported findings, it attempts asks and answers questions using observable behavior and what can be determined as mental processes of the subject. The symbol for psychology is the Greek letter â€Å"psi†(Ø). The subject matter of psychology is, affect, behavior, and cognition. The affect for psychology is the actual mental processes that make up: moods, feeling, and emotional state. An example for affect would be feeling sad about something happening. Behavior includes the actually actions and responses of organisms. Behavior can include the way we act in any given situation, for example when we get up in the morning. The order in the way we prepare ourselves for going out into public can be categorized as our behavior. Cognition is the actual mental events and the processes that result from them. Memories of an event are a great example of an organism’s cognition. The components and corresponding faces of psychology include the body of knowledge which is considered the teaching face, set of investigative methods or research face, and array of techniques the therapy face. The goals of psychology are: to explain behaviors, to describe behaviors, to predict behavior, and to modify inappropriate behaviors. Explaining behaviors would be a question similar to â€Å"Why does this happen?†, and example of how describing behavior could be accomplished would be asking â€Å"What causes this behavior, where does it come from?†. Predictions can be elaborated on by asking â€Å"When will the behavior occur?†. An example of a behavioral modification quest ion is â€Å"What can be changed in the environment to alter this behavior?†. A specialized subfield of psychology that most interests me is, Forensic Psychology, because it would be appealing to me to understand a potential criminal mind and to make the determination if the criminal was sane at the time the crime was committed or if he/she was operating with full judgment. In studying the 9/11 attack on America, a Forensic Psyc... ... level of a specific behavioral defect. After all the previous methods have been used, the use of existing data could be of help. Using existing data enables the psychologist to draw conclusions using other studies, surveys, observations, and tests to aide in the diagnose and treatment of a depressed person. A depressed person has a decrease in activity at the serotonin synapses. The independent variable would be the activity in the serotonin synapses. The dependent variable is the actual depression. In an experiment there are two types of groups: the experimental, and control groups. The experimental group is the participants who are exposed to the independent variable. The control group is the group of people who are not exposed to the independent variable, the comparison group. Three ethical concerns in psychological research experiments are: do no harm, maintain confidentiality, and the use of deception only when absolutely necessary. In a depression experiment, the do no har m would be observed by only interviewing the subject. The researcher should refrain from any activity that would cause physical, emotional, and or psychological harm to the subject(s) in any of the groups.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Literary Essays :: Literature
In literary essays, students are exploring meaning and construction of a piece of literature. In a review students are discussing overall effect and validity of written work, while in a literary essay students are paying more attention to specifics. Students are taking a piece of writing and trying to discover how and why it is put together way it is. Students must adopt a viewpoint on work in question and show how details of work support their viewpoint. Like the novel, the essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything. By tradition, almost by definition, the essay is a short piece, and it is therefore impossible to give all things full play within the limits of a single essay. But a collection of essays can cover almost as much ground, and cover it almost as thoroughly, as can a long novel. Montaigne's Third Book is the equivalent, very nearly, of a good slice of the Comà ©die Humaine. Essays belong to a literary species whose extreme variability can be studied most effectively within a three-poled frame of reference. There is the pole of the personal and the autobiographical, there is the pole of the objective, the factual, the concrete-particular, and there is the pole of the abstract-universal. Most essayists are at home and at their best in the neighborhood of only one of the essay's three poles, or at the most only in the neighborhood of two of them. There are the predominantly personal essayist s, who write fragments of reflective autobiography and who look at the world through the keyhole of anecdote and description. There are the predominantly objective essayists who do not speak directly of themselves, but turn their attention outward to some literary or scientific or political theme. †¦ And how splendid, how truly oracular are the utterances of the great generalizers! †¦ The most richly satisfying essays are those which make the best not of one, not of two, but of all the three worlds in which it is possible for the essay to exist The research essay leads students into works of others and asks students to compare their thoughts with their own.
College Admissions Essay: Remembering Mom :: College Admissions Essays
Remembering Mom  The memory of that Christmas Eve years ago still lingers in my mind. Who would have known that a simple candle made of wax and wick would change my way of thinking forever...  Christmas Eve was a special time for Momma and Poppa. Even though there never was enough money to go down to the neighborhood stores to buy presents, Momma and Poppa always made sure I had one present on Christmas morning. In years past I had received a doll made from worn out clothing, with a painted face and hair of yarn. A box made of wood carved by Poppa with my name encircled with a heart. One gift to a young child may not be much, but Momma and Poppa always made sure there was something under our tiny Christmas tree.  But this year Momma was not home for Christmas. The Angels had come for her earlier the summer before. Poppa had grown weary working jobs that paid very little and kept him away for days on end. Leaving me to tend to the house and to keep up with my schooling. Momma always knew what the perfect gift would be that would make my Christmas complete. She was the one who made the doll and suggested the box that I still hold dear today. But now Momma was gone and Poppa was away, leaving me alone on Christmas Eve.  I sat alone reading by the dim light of the last candle that I found in Mommas nightstand. Momma made such beautiful candles, dipping each wick lovingly into the hot wax over and over until the candles took form. Before gently hanging them up to dry she would take a knife and carve a word on each one. Through the years, I had seen the words hope, love, giving, along with a multitude of others. I took the candle down from stand and this one had one word cut delicately in its side...remember.  How odd a word to put on one of her lovely candles. It seemed strange not to see a word of hope, love, charity or even family. Remember. Why would Momma put such a simple word on this last candle? Taking the candle down from the shelf, memories of Momma flooded into my mind. Her soft golden hair, the smell of her favorite perfume, even the memory of her voice seemed to echo in my ear.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Mexican Drug Cartels
The drug cartels are lucrative, they are violent, and they are operated with stunning planning and precision. †-Attorney General Eric Holder The Mexican cartels have been able to slide under the radar for quite some time now and are finally beginning to get the attention they deserve. But is this too late? Have they already done too much damage to their country and their people where emerging out of this horrific phase is even possible? This could be the case if no immediate action is taken. In order for this two happen two things must occur.The first is an immediate solution to the reoccurring violence and corruption within and outside of the Mexican borders. The second is a long-term solution must be made therefore preventing any sort of international dominance like this to happen again. Some solutions that need to be made in the immediate future are an increase in border security and heightened sense of awareness for smugglers not only from Mexico but into it as well, a str icter regulation on the selling of United States firearms, and. In terms of for the long run, there must be a greater relationship between theUnited States and Mexico not only toward the security issues but also toward the political ones. The Mexican government must implement reform in places like education, training of officers, and policies to help build a better democracy, and finally there must be a constant and sustained effort to cut off all supply lines of money and weapons to the cartels. The origins of the cartels can be traced back to the Columbian Cali and Medellin mega-cartels who were responsible for the majority or drugs coming into the United States. Fortunately in the 1990's the Columbia drug cartels were able to be uppressed and eventually extinguished (Kindt).However the positive efforts in Columbia created negative ones in Mexico. With no one fully controlling the drug supply to the United States anymore the battle for dominance began. After dissolving most of the drug routes through Miami and the Caribbean the only other option left was Mexico (Kindt). While this shift of power was taking place within the cartels, the Mexican government was also facing a shift in democratic power with the emergence of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PR'). It began its rule in 1929 and had total dominance over the political world in Mexico.The PRI was able to subdue all other voices and elect officers that had the party members best interest in mind. This normally would work however the members of PRI were usually corrupt and therefore it wasn't long before the newly formed Mexican drug cartels and the PRI linked up. The PRI was notorious already for suppressing voices of people who did not agree, granting monopolies, and paying off labor leaders (O'Neil). It wasn't until the 1980's and into the 90's where the violence started to occur. The I began to loose its power and there was an every-growing struggle tor power.In 000 the ties to the PRI was offi cially broken with the election of Vicente Fox as president. This however created even more corruption with the number of local authorities being paid off which in turn forced disorganization between leaders at the local, state, and national levels. Now that the cartels were beginning to be met with resistance they started to become more violent and militarized. Among the most feared were The Zetas, member of the Gulf cartel, who were alleged to be former members of the elite Mexican army unit (Weinberg).With this new floodgate opened for Mexican drug trade multiple cartels began to ome onto the scene, which caused inter-cartel violence as well. The United States finally had to intervene during a struggle between the Tijuana and Sinaloa cartels ending in the assassination of a catholic archbishop and the favored presidential candidate. The United States began to strengthen border controls and began to revive security collaborations with Mexico (O'Neil). However this was short lived and the cartels were able to once again establish control of border crossings and continue smuggling.In 2005 the reality of the situation in Mexico was finally brought to the attention of he American people. The kingpin of the Gulf cartel, Osiel Cardenas, was arrested. The gulf cartel controlled the largest border crossing between Mexico and the United States, El Paso. This in turn caused the other two rival cartels to step in and try and take control. However the Zetas were not going to give up their main smuggling route and at the end of Just one day there were one hundred and eighty killed including the newly elected chief of police (Weinberg).The United States once again took action and implemented operation Stonegarden, which gave local authorities on the U. S. ide four hundred million dollars to help improve boarder regulation and reduce smuggling. Soon after this was implemented, the drug cartels reached an agreement about territories and were able to again continue with busi ness. It is apparent that no matter what the United States or Mexico has done in the past to suppress the cartels has not been successful. With over ninety percent of the U. S. ocaine being able to be traced back to Mexico and about ninety percent of Mexican firearms being able to be traced back to the United States Just feeding more money into different agencies isn't working (Bronsther). Most of the guns that cartels are using are purchased in the United States and then smuggled back down into Mexico. They are able to do this because the cartel hires people called â€Å"straw buyers†. These are individuals with clean records who are paid to go into the United States and purchase large quantities of guns from local vendors and then bring them back down into Mexico.In order to prevent this from happening the United States must enforce the current laws where selling guns to foreign countries is illegal. It should also forbid the export of unlicensed firearms. All this is looke d after and overseen by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives so therefore additional funding should be going to that agency instead of only focusing on the agencies that deal with security (O'Neil). We know that if we go to war with the drug cartels that it will be a very bloody prolonged and simply unneeded conflict.The way to hurt them the most and do the most damage is to stop providing them with such a lucrative market. We should create stricter punishments tor people who do end up selling to straw buyers or even ducate vendors on proper gun selling and encourage the responsible sale of firearms (Miller). When it comes to drugs we can implement the same ideology. The United States is the biggest consumer nation in the world right now and drugs fit right into that. In order to suppress this problem in the most efficient way possible we must look at ourselves first.There has to be a shirt from supporting law enforcement to supporting the suppression of the U. S. demand. Studies have shown that money spent on rehabilitation for addicts is five times more effect then money spent on conventional law enforcement (O'Neil). Expanding and promoting drug treatment will in turn lower the allure or demand for the drugs the cartels are providing. Most of all however the cutting off of the Mexican drug cartels money supply would be detrimental to them and ultimately lead to their destruction.Removing the money source will no longer give them the ability to pay off official, at the state and local levels, which will in turn force democracy to become a more fair system. Judges and local police officers will be forced off of the cartels payroll and therefore improve upon Mexico's push to create a clean government. This would also be beneficial for previous problems as well. The purchasing and smuggling of guns will not longer be as big ofa problem due to lack of funds the cartels will have. Drugs will also see a decrease due to expensive manufactur ing costs and distribution expenses.This is where the majority of United States efforts should be focused because between fifteen and twenty five billion dollars goes from the U. S. into either Mexico or an account. The money is usually simply carried, wired, or transported to the boarder and merely driven across. Although guns and drugs are a huge problem in oming across the boarder if that amount of money is about to be simply driven across the boarder should we be focusing a lot more attention towards our efforts in recovering and seizing that money? Especially when confiscating that money will therefore lower amount of guns and drugs in circulation.The United States is not the sole source of the problem. The Achilles heal of Mexico is the corruption. About one fifth of Mexico's Federal Investigative Agency is under investigation for involvement with the drug cartels (Bronsther). In order to prevent this problem from continuing and hopefully reverse this common theme, Mexico must create institutional reform and growth by promoting better ways of training and education for law enforcement. They must be sure to implement ways to ensure that their officers, agents and even diplomats are not susceptible to corruption or manipulation.The United States is as much to blame for the situation in Mexico and Mexico is. If it weren't for our massive consumption habits and distribution of firearms the cartels would be useless to have. We have dug ourselves into a very deep hole and now must begin the slow climb out. This begins with efforts to subdue our addictive abits through rehabilitation and education, stricter laws regarding firearms sales especially around the border, a cooperative effort with Mexico against the cartels, and most importantly an increased effort in finding and destroying money that is funding these cartels.Mexico in turn is tacing this problem head on and suttering greatly tor i t. To avoid any further damage from being done, as a country, Mexico must start from the inside and work out with major reforms in their branches of government most importantly judicial and more specifically law enforcement. They must design as system in which orruption is the main characteristic to be aware of and avoid and need to educate, train, and generate true leaders who will hopefully strive to make a new positive name for Mexico.Both the United States and Mexico are realizing Just how much corruption, violence, and instability these drug cartels are creating. Procedures are beginning to be put in place in order to suppress the cartels. The United States recently passed the Miranda Initiative with grants Mexico one point four billion dollars to help them rebuild their nation. Mexico too has increased salaries and enefits for officers as an effort to allure people to fill positions once held by corrupt officials (O'Neil).
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
International Business: Volkswagen Essay
The foundation of Volkswagen dates back to the tertiary Reich. For the opening of the international simple machine fate in Berlin 1934, Adolf Hitler demanded the development of a railway rail auto which should be priced at a maximal price of single hundred0 Reichsmark and and then extend afford fitted for the fair(a) citizen. This car should be some(prenominal)ised Car of the people (Volkswagen) and offer spot for a family of four members. The prototypic stupefy was purported by Ferdinand Porsche in 1934 and in may 1937, the Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH (a community for the facility of the German Volkswagen Ltd.) was established in Berlin (Volkswagen AG 2013). unitary stratum later, the keep play along changed its name into Volkswagenwerk Gmbh The first of todays general German car manufacturing business. tot all in ally over the extend decades, Volkswagen turned from being the owner of a single wargon do in Wolfsburg into europiums bulkyst automobile get throughr and the third largest of the knowledge domain with a periodic turn exclusively over of about 192,676 million. The telephoner sells, exacts and produces 12 automobile crosss all over domain of a function. 550,000 employees grittytail it together to produce 37,700 cars per day which bear be purchased in 153 countries (Volkswagen Comp either 2013). The sideline report digestes on the automotive division, excluding the m unrivalledtary services division and separate subsidiaries.1a) The design of a multinational enterprises (MNE) dodging is primordially de marginined by the institutions and the overabundant assimilation of its habitation surface ara. Volkswagens (VW) stintingal origin is found in profound Ger numerous, a town called Wolfsburg, where one of its largest subject sites is sleek over in place. Often expound as Europes economic engine (Iwulska et. al 2013), Germany possesses a complaisantization favori ng individualism and refusing berth distance (Hofstede 2013, appendix 1.1.). With a score of 67 on Hofstedes individualism scale, Germany joins those northwesterlyern European countries prioritizing self-actualization, which often leads German moulders to pioneer the shibboleth of live in grade to work. In this context, the work itself constitutes an important reference of self-esteem in the German tillage.This wag strongly ties in with a pronounced masculinity, prioritizing c atomic number 18er progression and material rewards as comfortably as approving a sharp variediation in grammatical gender roles (Peng & Meyer, p.75).At the equivalent measure, the exchange between the mean(a) worker and their supervisor is marked by mutual constructive feedback and participation (Peng & Mayer, p.75), as uttered in emit agency distance scores. However, one can hold on the strong concern for structured situations which describes a core element of the German culture (Vector Stud y 2012). Typical for a sphere scoring high on the dubiousness avoidance scale, Germany favors a bank-based fiscal arrangement where happen diminution portrays a precedence (Tadesse et al. 2005, p.4). In contrast, Germany scores curiously low on the long-term orientation scale, as expressed in its great sagaciousness for respecting traditions as well as establishing the true statement (Hofstede 2013, appendix 1.1.).A nonher determinant of conception a successful dodge displays the worldwide connectedness of the country, to wit the full stop of study exchange, human re openings and trade in with other economies of the world. With the assist highest overall connectedness advocate, Germany meets the expectations of one of the worlds largest exporting economies. Such specialization in export is promoted by the achieved European Integration (EU) which remains the most(prenominal) worldwidely connected region of the world (Ghemawat 2012). As opposed to the way of lifes t sustainable depend upon of the overall international connectedness superpower in those course of studys following the financial crisis (Ghemawat 2013), Germany managed to further approach its peak cherish of 2007 whilst consolidating its economic position in Europe as seen by its presence in Europes top 10 countries in all four pillars of the index (Ghemawat et al. 2012, appendix 1.2.).Given Germanys increase trade with other European countries, its merchandise trade score in the fullness dimension is more inward- lie. Contrary to this, Germany shows a strong tendency for outward trade courses of some(prenominal) merchandise trade as well as services in the breadth dimension. In this context, Germanys heighten on manufacturing becomes evident with reference to higher(prenominal) scores obtained for some(prenominal) inward and outward merchandise trade than for its equivalents in services. Overall, Germany displays an formling of rising depth in its ball-shaped exch ange with other economies whilst continuing to orient its global profile as expressed in an change magnitude score in the breadth dimension.b) Volkswagen can be exposit as a truly home-region orientated company, formn that the largest proportion of gross gross gross sales revenues is created in Europe (table 1). However, it nearly achieved to attain 20% of its sales revenues in a nonher region, namely South America, pointing towards Volkswagens aims of further expanding globally (Volkswagen AG 2013).Region Europe unification America Asia-Pacific South America agree sales revenues(mio) 28.191 6.554 4.392 7.429 46.565 Percentage sales(sales revenues/Total sales revenues) 60.541% 14.075 % 9.431% 15.954 % 100% Table 1 Sales revenues by region (Interim Report 2013)2a) One of VWs most important ownership avails at the upstream end portrays its normalisation in production practices, namely in terms of MQB and MLB (Taylor 2012). These production systems allow for twist diffe rent voguels from using the same components whilst increasing the productive efficiency and diminution the throughput time across all its international railway line units (Buiga 2012). In this context, the transfer of its like production practices across its business units globally is supplemented by VWs king to do so without the customer noticing (Taylor 2012). This ability is, however, strongly promoted by its fleck remarkable ownership value at the downstream end, namely VWs internationally recognized and maintained give away identity.Generally, Volkswagen is perceived by customers as a carmaker offering high two whole tone and longevity with cars such(prenominal) as the beetle succeeding over decades (Haig 2011). Consequently, its soft touch identity displays the source of its global hawkish advantage, given that consumers associate it with the aforementioned advantages (Taylor 2012), alter to its continuously increasing brand jimmy (Interbrand 2012). Given its i nnovations in the light of bringing up sustainability and the resulting recognition of being ranked fourth among Interbrands Best Global greenish Brands, Volkswagens brand identity is articled to improve further most possible to be presented through the continuation of its brand value growth (Interbrand 2012).b) The Uppsala model by Jan Johansen and Jan-Erik suggests that internationalization is a dynamic wait on of learning in which firms read decisions over their next step based on what they know at that time(Peng & Mayer 2011). Experiencing virgin marketplaces and cultures flinchs the liability of outsidership and influences the firms ability to perceive risks and to recognize opportunities. The constitute model is sympathetic to the Uppsala model because both models stand for that a step-by-step ferment is inevitable to decoct market uncertainty whereby the breaker point model does not centre on the experimental learning process, provided on the increase in deg ree of commitments. If firms, for exercising, first make use of licensing, afterwards foot a pronounce adventure and eventually owning subsidiaries, then they be able to prune cultural and institutional distance.After mainland China started to open some of their trade borders to take part of the international trade, VW signed a contract in 1985 to establish a adjunction venture Volkswagen Shanghai self-propelled Company Ltd. was the first joint venture in the Chinese automobile market. With an contact share of 50% for the German and Chinese shareholders, VW is and will not be able to fully own a subsidiary. To visit the market leader position, VW founded a second joint venture in 1991 whereby the German shareholders except eat 40% of the shares (Volkswagen AG 2013). However, in April 2002 the Shanghai-VW joint venture elongate the contract until 2030 which shows that VW puts great value on effectively occupying the position of Chinas largest foreign car marketer (Feng 2007). VWs entrance into the Chinese market supports the stage model more than the Uppsala model because the additive steps are recognizable world the first joint venture in Shanghai, then another one in Changchun and last extending the contracts.3a) The automotive pains is cognize to be one of the most globalized industries referable to companies organizing its production in a global value chain (Sturgeon et al. 2008). As Volkswagen is one of the worlds largest automotive companies, its thousands of suppliers are set(p) across the globe. steady though VWs headquarters are located in Germany, only 26% of their cars were produced in its home country. The company operates with more than 100 foreign affiliates in South America, eastern and European countries, South Africa and Asia (Chiappini 2011). In most factories, different motor vehicle models are produced, whereas in others, automotive products and components are assembled. Considering the bend of factories outside its ho me region, VWs degree of offshoring is very high. As the suppliers make a substantial contri besidesion to the companys success, tried and true partnerships need to be present. This leads VW to establish a cooperative alliance with a number of long-term oriented suppliers to increase its focus on the caliber of each component. Furthermore, VWs focus on tonicity, technology, and innovation, leads it to select its suppliers on cost to quality basis. Additionally, VW selects only the suppliers which implement production-related environmental and neighborly standards according to global minimum standards (Volkswagen AG 2006).b) The advantages of VWs international sourcing strategies are permanent transactionhips with its suppliers which allow for a high integrating in the production processes. By choosing reliable and trus 2rthy suppliers, VW gains a competitive advantage in ensuring the high quality of assembled components. As the focus lies on the products quality, sourced inp uts cannot always be purchased at the low price.In order to provide all production facilities with the necessary supplies, VW is dependent on a large number of suppliers which increases the risk of deficient components. VW tries to counteract this risk by implementing a selective admission process for its suppliers. Its offshoring schema enables the company to exploit commence production costs in emerge countries. At the same time, by stage setting up production facilities in different countries, import restrictions can also be avoided. In order to become the worlds leading car manufacturer by 2018, VW must enhance its coaction and integration with its suppliers in the long term to tone its competitive advantage.4a) gold coast is soon one of the most favorable emerge markets in West Africa with a gross domestic product growth rate of 14.4 % and a FDI influx of US$3 billion per year (World Bank 2013). It is one of the most good countries in terms of rottenness and furthermo re, the back up change in institutional frameworks by the World Bank and the IMF simplifies business practices (Gyetuah 2009). Moreover, the geographical location offers many opportunities to serve the unload west coast by merchant vessels and to reduce transaction costs. Volkswagen already has plants in South Africa, which latterly gained a affectionate rank of the BRICs, but the companys reactivity to market changes in the northern countries is pathetic because of the distance. Besides, Ghana offers a unique hazard set for businesses.It has many natural resources for example cocoa, gold, silver, industrial diamonds, manganese, bauxite, fish, rubber, hydropower, petroleum, timber, salt, limestone and embrocate (The Central comprehension Agency 2013). Ghana has become the attractive feature of many European and especially Chinese companies, particularly in the oil industry which shares ties to the automotive industry. Currently, only Toyota Ltd. has a plant in Ghana and so contest is relatively low which facilitates the gathering of a significant market share (List of companies 2013). However, Ghana is weakened by the increasing flow of drugs through West African States that is beginning to undermine the state, through weakening its institutions, its topical anesthetic communities, and its social fabric and since the production of oil and gas not only businesses but also terrorism is attracted which create a certain risk for many companies (Aning 2008). manakin 1 Emerging Markets (http// b) Volkswagen should focus on the hub in Ghana by founding a majority joint venture with a local company. This strategy lowers the liability of outsidership while accelerating the comprehension of the culture and economy to prevent threats of piracy. Volkswagen can consequently share costs and risks with its local partner, thus limiting the financial risk of investment. Furthermore, a fusion with a local company creates a dynamic network which is rattling for the distribution to other countries and is politically preferred. The strategy of a joint venture in an emerging economy is more useful and secure than in a develop market where formal and informal institutions are important and an inherent part of the licit framework and culture. While entering authentic markets is more profitable when taking direct actions, making use of the ownership advantages and detailed success factors, entering an emerging market stresses cultural sensitivity and caution.5a) Recently Volkswagen entered the Mexican emerging market by last a current plant in January 2013. This was primarily done due to service their strategic objective to increase sales in the United States. The demand for rider cars in the US is forecasted to be 7 million units. Moreover, in 2011 the automobile production change magnitude by 12.5% to 2.64 million units and a growth of 8 9 % per year are expected until 2016 (Bouman 2012). With t he favorable geographic location of Mexico and its 12 FTA with 43 countries, NAFTA Volkswagen has a great opportunity to expand sales (Grant Thornton 2012). Another strategic objective is to strengthen its market position in North America which is an essential component of the Volkswagen conventions global growth strategy (Volkswagen AG 2013). Apparently, North America has 17,167,000 cars of which 4.9 % are vehicles of Volkswagen (Volkswagen AG 2013). To fulfill its strategic objective with a high cost reduction it was necessary to enter the Mexican market.b) VW regards FDI as one of its preferred entry modes. With the heading of penetrating both local and inhabit markets, VW has set up manufacturing plants in India aiming at establishing an export base to the around regions (Wen 2007, p. 51) in admission to its recent announcements of increasing the minginess of its production facilities network in Mexico (FDITracker 2013). digression from FDI, Volkswagen has entered foreign m arkets through those modes considered less speculative strategic alliances and joint ventures. Throughout the portfolio of countries in which VW operates, it has formed strategic alliances with firms such as Daewoo Motor Sales Co for merchandising purposes in South Korea. Additionally, VW entered several joint ventures and thus achieved the penetration of markets in both developing (e.g. Angola) and developed (e.g. U.S.) economies (Wen 2007, p. 52-53).In this context, the organic law of joint ventures displays VWs prior mode of entry for the Chinese market and could not have been substituted by any other of the aforementioned entry modes. Given the ratified obligation by Chinese authorities, VW entered two joint ventures in the 1990s which have been extended ever since whilst continuously prosecute FDI by investing in both existing and new production facilities (Schrott 2012). In the case of China, these joint ventures displayed not only VWs single -legally possible- entry mode f or one of the worlds largest car markets, but also a source of production resources, as well as both knowledge and network relations for the Chinese automotive market (Schrott 2012).c) As far as VWs multinational strategy is concerned, one can intelligibly identify its global approach, characterized by its standardisation practicesthroughout the primary process and the bureaucratic operation that envelops its subsidiaries.Figure 2 VWs multionational corporate structure (Ptsch 2011)In this context, VW has recently implemented the normalisation of its IT infrastructure across unit and country boundaries, in addition to the cost-efficient MQB (see 2a) production system in place (Microsoft 2012). Such measures clearly reason the identification of VWs global standardization strategy given that it holds centers of excellence in each of its sales regions (see figure 2.). Nevertheless, VW still lacks the diffusion of knowledge and innovation across country boundaries and among subsidiar ies in the same region, as a result of the centralization of R&D in its home country (Schmid et al.). Consequently, VW does not follow a transnational strategy which would include this aforementioned diffusion, but remains strategically centralized (Mller 2005), particularly in considering itself as the innovative car maker from Wolfsburg ..where its home lies (Volkswagen 2013).6a) As one of the worlds leading automobile manufacturers, VW sets high standards in both, social and environmental concerns and it was therefore not easy to construe significant dilemma situations. Nevertheless, in many emerging countries, VW was confronted by the social issue of rising pressure to engage in carriage, which is considered strongly wrong in the westbound World (Deutsche Presse Agentur 2005).Figure 3 intercontinental Governance Indicators (http// in corruption and bribery is common in countries with weak withstand systems and can giv e firms large advantages. With the high degree of power that comes along with the size of an influential company like VW, it is also harder to keep control over all business entities. Over the last decades, VW had to face several allegations of bribery and corruption. In 2005, information about a bribery scandal in India involving the causality HR chief at VWs Czech unit, Skoda, became populace.The firm reacted immediately by submitting the case to court (NDR 2013). Besides, VW also faces the environmental dilemma of increasing sustainability while retentiveness costs to a minimum. Furthermore, VW is pressured by several environmental organizations, particularly Greenpeace, who accused VW of not making sufficient progress on fuel efficiency. Over the past five years, VW reduced the carbon emissions of its current models by 13% and introduced a range of new car models with cleaner engine technologies, thereby acting in accordance to the latest criteria (Handelsblatt 2012). In 20 13, VW also agreed to reduce the CO2 emission standards of its newly produced cars to an average of 95g/km by 2020 and subsequently finally reached an agreement with Greenpeace.* b) As a large MNE, VW has a number of stakeholders that need to be satisfied. Since its stakeholders are exceedingly interrelated, the firm has to focus on strategic actions that are in accordance with all its stakeholders. *** Figure 4 Stakeholder Dialogue (Volkswagen 2013)** Even though the social dilemma of corruption can overtake all over the world, it is prevalently perceived in emerging countries. The issue is therefore of global relevance and especially harmful to the company and its employees. Uncovering corruption is of utter greatness for VW and in order to satisfy all stakeholders, the firm has implemented a proper(postnominal) system which enables employees and business partners to fight corruption (Volkswagen AG 2013). A globally standardized strategy in this issue is explicitly important s ince any form of burlesque is unacceptable in VWs home country. Volkswagen is therefore trying to counteract any mode of corruption, as the publication of such affairs involves highly undesirable consequences for the future.* The increased need of sustainable processes and environmental sensation is also a global issue. Even though sustainability does not have the same significance in every culture, VW sets high standards for all the production facilities as well as its suppliers worldwide. By implementing the same norms for all employees, suppliers and other parties involved, VW wants to ensure the same quality and standards that it is known for in its home region. In order to maintain the credibility concerning sustainability and CSR, a globally standardized strategy is highly appropriate.c) Both, VW and Unilever have remarkable connaturality in allocating considerable value to social duty and sustainability. Unilevers approach is very similar to that of VW as both companies ha ve similar corporate governance manuals and strongly advocate ethical behavior. While Unilever actively tries to reduce its impact on the environment by trying to halve its carbon memorial by 2020, VW set the goal of reducing the CO2 emission of its new-car fleet by 30% until 2015.Furthermore, both companies sacrifice retain earnings to invest in the service of sustainability and social responsibility in order to maintain a good public image. Moral philosophies and environmentally sound behavior are highly prioritized and both firms finish from behavior that can be considered unethical in the host countries, for instance by implementing strict regulations for their suppliers. Improving corporate social responsibility policies, as well as developing more efficient processes, is promote from the viewpoint of the corporation and the society at large, so both firms approaches can be supported.Aning, K 2008, From voluntary to a top process towards the securitisation of small arms, journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol. 26, no. 2, pp.169-181 viewed 12 May 2013, . Bouman, S 2012, Mexico line of work opportunities in the automotive industry, draft, 14 August, Agentschap NL, viewed 12 May 2013, . Buiga, Dr A 2012, Investigating the Role of MQB political program in Volkswagen Groups outline and Automobile industry, International ledger of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences September 2012, vol. 2 no.9, pp.391-398, viewed 2 May 2013, retrieved from . Chiappini, R 2011,
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